Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life as of late

So I officially suck at blogging. There's just so much going on that I never know what to talk about or what order to put it in. Therefore, I'm just going to ramble and hope that you guys find some sort of entertainment from it.

I've become the official bassist for the cmc. It's so much fun. I never realized how much I loved playing bass until I was in like 3 bands playing all kinda of music from Bob Dylan to Hannah Montana to Emery. It's really funny. But it's been a really awesome experience trying out different styles and different instruments. I'm even playing the shaker and tambourine (at the same time) in a song. It's wonderful.

I've been writing a lot lately, songs I mean. Because clearly I haven't been writing blogs. I wrote a love song the other day. My first love song ever. It's pretty cool and completely out of my style. It's great. I'm gonna try to demo it soon so that you guys can hear it. I'm currently work on my second official master and working on a third master on the side. The third one is a really chill song that's includes two different acoustic guitar parts, cello, violin, maybe some djembe and shaker. It's so cool sounding. Really different for me.

This is the worst blog ever. I never know what to write. Next week we're going to Nashville and meeting with different labels and industry people, basically learning about the industry that we all want to somehow get involved with. After that we have spring break which I'm excited about, but also incredibly bummed about cause after spring break we only have 4 weeks left. I can't believe time has flown by so quickly. I love everyone here so much, we're an amazing bunch and it's going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done to leave all these amazing people. Man, I don't even want to think about it. So i'm gonna stop writing about it.

So this is the worst blog ever. I'm sorry. If ever any of you want to know about my life at cmc just email me and i can give you some more info/specifics. As for now I suck at this so i'm gonna quit while I'm ahead.

Love you all!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

4 8 15 16 23 42

So I realize I haven't blogged in a while. Sorry about that!! I've been really busy trying to make amazing music and being with amazing people and I've forgotten about separating time to write about what's going on in my life.

Last time I blogged it was the beginning of my journey at CMC. Now here I am, one month into this amazing experience, and I've never loved anything more in my life. Other than Jesus.

This place is amazing. I've learned so much already and it's only been 4 weeks. Every single person here has already begun to change my life somehow. It never ceases to astound me how much God has already shown up here. All of us have already had so many awesome God moments, whether it's through our own music or someone else's. Through 4 hour long prayers sessions or deep meaningful conversations at 3 in the morning. God has manifested His love for us in so many ways I'm beginning to lose track.

This past week our first master recordings were due. It was intense. We sat in the cafe together and Tom and Warren literally iChated as we played our songs for the whole class to hear and commented on our tracks. It was incredibly nerveracking. These guys have been in the industry for YEARS, so they know what they're talking about. Overall, they liked my master, though there were a few spots that needed better mixing. It came out really cool though. Maybe I'll post it on here some time.....

This week at CMC live I'm going to be playing the bass and the djembe for one of the acts. It's gonna be funny. I'm not much of a percussionist or a bassist, so I'm not sure how this is going to go.

In about an hour I'm heading back into the studio and I'm going to start working on some new tracks to master. My goal is to have an EP by the end of the semester so that I can maybe start doing local shows and sell them. I'm actually also considering sending it in to some labels, but we'll see how that goes......

Also, I'm going to record one of my songs "Nameless" and see if I can send it to Not for Sale and/or Invisible Children to see if they'll use it for their campaigns. Again, well see how that goes......

Part of the reason I love everyone here is because we're all obsessed with Lost. I love anyone that loves Lost.

Well, that's all I can think of for right now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Morning Moshes, Fictional Characters and Sharky's Cantina

So going off of the last blog, I've finally started to live by the slogan, Keep Moving Forward.

I have issues with change. I'm really bad at transitioning into new situations. So when I drove up the CMC driveway last week I was terrified!! Excited, yes, but terrified.

CMC stands for the Contemporary Music Center and it's this amazing semester long program where all you do is eat, sleep and breathe music. It's really, really amazing. I'm absolutely in love with this place. It was hard at first, to get rid of my fears and reservations about everyone and everything. But now, it feels like I've been here for months. It seems that even though we've only been here a week me and the rest of the 20 students have already become a family. It's quite adorable.

We eat every meal together everyday and it's become quite customary every morning during breakfast for some of the boys to have "the morning mosh" to ready themselves for the rest of the day. This time consists of hardcore screamo music blasting over the intense speakers in the cafe (AKA the cafeteria/classroom) and some of the boys start hardcore dancing and moshing. It's hilarious.

We have two classes every day, each an hour long from 9:30-11:30ish and then we have lunch and then practicum from 1-3 almost every day where we just learn how to record and do lights and stuff. It's pretty amazing.

Everyday after 3 we're free to do whatever the heck we want, but usually us artists track majors gotta be working on our music, whether that be writing new songs, recording, practicing with our bands, or just having bomb conversations that inspire new songs.

We have 2 professors, Warren and Tom, and they're both out of their minds. The other day, John, our RD, told us that they're basically like fictional characters and as the week progressed I discovered that that was definitely true. They're the strangest men I ever met in my life. I'll post stories later on but right now I only have a limited time to write this.

This week I'm gonna be playing at CMC Live, which is the concert we have here at CMC once a week. I'm so pumped. I had to put together my own band, pick the songs, arrange them, and perfect them for tomorrow so that we can be critiqued and have to change everything. It's gonna be great.

Tonight we went out for dinner to this little place called Sharky's Cantina. We stuffed 12 people into a 7 passenger van with a packed trunk of crap. It was crazy. We all thought we were gonna die. It was hilarious. Twelve kids in a tiny van listening to screamo music talking about the randomest stuff ever. Hilarious.

Okay, I gotta go record. My tech guy is summoning me. I'll write more soon!!

Love you all!!