Sunday, August 16, 2009

And now a word from our sponsor.....

The other day I was in the car listening to my iPod, watching the scenery ouside the window change from trees, to water, to fast food places, to high way, to trees, to water and I had a thought. You see, this is nothing unusual for me. Not the thought thing, but the whole listening to my iPod in the car thing. I find that my best thinking is done in cars, even though I myself am absolutely terrified to drive one. The thought I had followed another thought, which will be blogged about shortly, and this thought was, I should start a blog.

I've been considering this whole blog thing for a while but something always seemed to come up. Either life problems or life solutions or finals. There was always something keeping me from sharing the thoughts that I had on a daily basis and about the experiences I've encountered in my life. But after this thought I had the other day I realized that I should just start this darned blog that keeps haunting me everywhere I go.

So here it is. My blog. I will be sharing with you guys a vast array of knowledge including my thoughts on faith, love, life, music and most importantly, my thoughts on God and how he's worked both in my life and in the lives of others. There also might be some ramblings here and there, just to warn you.

So without further adieu,

Hello blogging world. My name is Sam and I am honored to make your acquiantance.

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